26 October 2009

Experimental Design (in Restaurants)

Experimental Design in a restaurant does not mean anything that you are thinking about. Seriously. In the Ogori (おごり) Cafe, the name of the restaurant, when you arrive you immediately order something upon arrival. This is where the 'experimental' bit comes in; you rarely get what you order. Instead you get what the person before you ordered. And the person after you gets what you ordered. And so on and so forth.

Personally, I think that this concept for a restaurant's design is one of the most innovative things I have ever heard about. The reason why is surmised in something Cabel Sasser (whose blog I found this wonder on) wrote about his experience there: "It forced one to "let go", just for a brief moment, of the total control we're so used to exerting through commerce. It led you to taste something new, that you might not normally have ordered. It was a delight."

Unfortunately I don't think this will ever work anywhere I live (too many people worried about weight or allergies or being picky eaters but until then I get to Japan and visit the Ogori Cafe for myself, I will be content wanting water, making a sandwich, and replying ありがとございます (thank you) to no one in particular.

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