28 September 2009

Triplets of People

I have always liked the candid photo; the photo taken when the person doesn't know they are being photographed. Sure, there is something riveting about the beautifully makeup-ed individual staring straight into the camera lens, but there is always a plasticine sense that it isn't real; that the image is nothing more than a painting. On the contrary, candid photos, while often less well composed and laid out, have a sense of life and motion to them that is hard to fake. To me there is an inherent and exiting vibrancy to being able to look through a snapshot into a another person's life without fear of self-consciousness or that they are somehow acting for you.

In this same vein, I below are triplets of people: three I know, three I want to know, and three total strangers. Each photo was taken candidly and is an attempt to show give a bit more of an insight into them than a simple snapshot.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 People I know ---

Omri Rose (person I know)
I went to school with Omri since 7th grade and then lived with him during 12th grade.

Leonie Morrison (person I know)
I met Leonie at a street party during 2006 and quickly became fast friends.
photo courtesy: Leonie Morrison's Facebook

Emilie O'Herne (person I know)
I met Emilie at a political youth conference only to discover we had a lot more friends in common than I initially thought.
photo credit: Emilie O'Herne's Facebook

----------------------------------------------------------- 3 People I want to know ---

Kalan Sherrard (person I want to know)
As soon as I saw Kalan during my first year, I knew that I needed to meet him.
photo credit:

Ben Jones (person I want to know)
Ben Jones, the V.P. of Communications is loved by everyone who meets him. Enough said.
photo credit:

James Peake (person I want to know)
I saw James for most of last year, both at Oberlin and FAVA gallery — where he works— and he struck me as very interesting.
photo credit:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Strangers ---

Contact Juggler (stranger)
Street performers are always awesome.

Random woman in Calgary (stranger)
A jogger with an iPod. A sign of the times.

Disturber of the Peace (stranger)
Jesus Is A Cunt... why not?

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